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Extraordinary UFO Crash Allegations Apparently Are More Credible Than Intially Perceived

According to explosive reporting , the powerful internal investigative body that oversees the nation’s intelligence agencies found a whistleblower’s claims of an illegal government UFO crash retrieval and exploitation effort to be “credible and urgent.” To eliminate potential ambiguity regarding such an extraordinary development, a knowledgeable source confirmed to me that the intelligence community inspector general found “allegations that there is a [UFO crash retrieval] program [to be] urgent and credible.”

Beyond this stunning revelation, the whistleblower — a former high-level intelligence official — is represented by a lawyer who served previously as the intelligence community’s first inspector general, a Senate-confirmed position. The managing partner of the law firm representing the whistleblower reportedly co-signed the complaint submitted to the current Intelligence Community inspector general. As noted in a legal analysis , no lawyer, let alone two high-caliber attorneys, would sign such an extraordinary document without “very credible source material.”

Importantly, current and former officials vouched for the whistleblower, David Grusch, while also corroborating the broad outlines of his allegations. Moreover, Grusch spoke to Congress for hours, generating hundreds of pages of transcripts. Grusch also gave an exclusive interview to Ross Coulthart of NewsNation, which like The Hill is owned by Nexstar Media Group.

For their part, Grusch and other knowledgeable individuals who have spoken to investigators have little incentive to lie. “Knowingly and willfully making false statements” to the Intelligence Community Inspector General carries the risk of financial penalties and imprisonment. At the same time, two high-caliber attorneys appear unafraid of the potential legal jeopardy of filing Grusch’s complaint.

The facts enumerated above should, on their face, captivate every newsroom and living room in America. But there are reasons to be skeptical.

For one, Grusch has not provided proof of his allegations. Similarly, the notion that such monumental revelations could remain secret for any appreciable amount of time strains credulity.

According to Grusch, the evidence supporting his allegations is highly classified, a reasonable claim. However, logic suggests that, given the profound nature of the allegations, the classified evidence Grusch provided to Congress and two inspectors general would have to have been robust, detailed and substantiated by other knowledgeable individuals for the Intelligence Community watchdog to deem his claims “credible and urgent.”

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