Sixteen members of a Georgia motorcycle gang have been indicted on charges stemming from a shooting that injured two people last year in a hotel parking lot.

An Operation Leads To The Indictment Of 16 Outcast Motorcycle Gang Member In A Mass Shooting Incident That Injures 2 People (PHOTO:
16 Outcast Motorcycle Gang Member Arrested In A Mass Shooting Incident That Injures 2 People
16 people who allegedly a member of Georgia motorcycle gang have been arrested for shooting that injured two people last year in a hotel parking lot.
Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr released a statement that the 16 people has violated the Georgia’s Street Gang Terrorism and Prevention Act which and some charges with assault and attempted robbery and also injured innocent people. Carr’s office said that the case was handed down by the jury last Wednesday, and said that these people have a plan to rob members of the rival gang of their motorcycle vests.
Outcast members has a gun and point out to one of it’s rival member in a hotel located at Richmond Hill on June 17. They fired some shots in the parking lot where there are 2 innocent people where shot and injured.
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An Operation Leads To The Arrest Of 16 Outcast Motorcycle Gang Member Arrested In A Mass Shooting That Injures Two People
They were immediately rushed to the hospital and the 16 members were arrested by the officers. Carr’s office said authorities that these gang members has already 40 warrant of arrest across southeast Georgia as part of their investigation they also got $180,000 in cash as well as 71 guns. Now they are still looking for some members because they want this happenings to stop.
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