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“No Bailouts for Reparations Act,” Texas Republican Introduces the HR 4321 Bill

Brian Babin, the Texan Republican who introduced the HR 4321 bill. (The New Republic)

A Texas House Republican introduced legislation to prevent federal funds from flowing to communities and states that implement reparations programs.

On Friday, Congressman Brian Babin proposed HR 4321, dubbed the “No Bailouts for Reparations Act,” only days after Juneteenth.

Statues depicting chained slaves. (NBC News)

If the No Bailouts for Reparations Act is passed, it would prohibit the provision of financial aid from federal government to states and local governments that run reparations programs for the descendants of the victims of slavery in the past.

The No Bailouts for Reparations Act aims to prevent taxpayers from being forced to pay for race-based reparations.

The “No Bailouts for Reparations Act” does not go well with the rising support of reparation movement. (WNYC Studios)

Babin told Fox News that American taxpayers should not be forced to fund radical, race-based’reparations and that his No Bailouts for Reparations Act ensures that government entities enacting reparation laws based on race, ethnicity, national origin, or slavery cannot receive federal bailouts.

Babin’s No Bailouts for Reparations Act collides with the intention of racial advocates that supports reparation programs for the descendants of Black slaves.

There was a divided support on both No Bailouts for Reparations Act and Reparation Programs implementation. As Babin’s No Bailouts for Reparations Act was introduced, activists raised their voice to President Biden to employ a reparation commission.

The reparation movement is still gaining support in federal levels since George Floyd’s murder in 2020.




  1. Jbenton Mason

    July 1, 2023 at 1:38 am

    No on reparations

  2. Floyd

    July 1, 2023 at 1:22 pm

    What about those that lose family members fighting to free the slaves, should they pay also.

  3. Uche Ukwuoma

    July 1, 2023 at 6:13 pm


  4. Joycelyn Harris

    July 2, 2023 at 12:38 am

    The generational wealth, is the problem with slavery, the slaves were robbed of life, their income, children, heritage. Now an act to prevent reparations more theft of generation wealth, free labor.

  5. Renae Smith

    July 2, 2023 at 12:54 am

    Interesting so US or state governments perpuated oppressive policies against Black Americans such as slavery, Jim Crow, war on drugs and so on but Republicans such as Babin doesn’t want federal funds to remedy them and/or their descendants who suffered harm.

    Can you imagine if Germany’s gov’t had taken such a stance? No they even had decency to pay reparations for Jewish people they harmed.

    America will never be the ideal of a country of justice and liberty for all until they correct their wrongs.

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