Illegal immigrants in Massachusetts are now able to apply for a driver’s license regardless of their immigration status.

Massachusetts’s Illegal Immigrants Can Now Get A Drivers License (PHOTO: The Boston Globe)
Massachusetts’s Illegal Immigrants Can Now Drive And Get Drivers License
According to the report, during the midterm election, the people of Massachusetts voted to keep a law that allows illegal immigrants to have a driver’s licenses.
The law took effect by the Legislature last July 1. According to some of the people in the Massachusetts this law is a good news to them and allows them to be free in the country. There are some pieces of information that people should know about the new law.
The Work and Family Mobility Act (WFMA) allow Massachusetts residents to apply for driver’s license regardless of their immigration status, even if they are illegal the new law allows them to have the license to drive. According to the news the law passed in June 2022, shows that they remove some requirements in order for the illegal immigrants to have the chance to drive in the information.
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Drivers License Can Now Get By The Massachusetts’s Illegal Immigrants
According to this law, the Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) says, over 100,000 people are now eligible to apply for driver’s license in Massachusetts. They said applicants need to request an appointment for test online in driving and they will receive an email from the RMV, a link about their appointment schedule. If you do not have an email, and you really want to set an appointment you can contact 857-368-9362.
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