In a significant breakthrough, the state authorities in Texas finally arrested the man behind the heart-wrenching murder of Ana Moreno, a mother, while she was prom dress shopping with her daughter in Dallas.

Ana Moreno. Mother killed in Dallas Shooting – Photo by: (WFFA)
The Tragic Shooting of Ana Moreno
The mother Ana Moreno, a 39-year-old lady, was shopping with her 18-year-old daughter when the crossfire shooting happened on May 13, says FOX News.
Suspect Charlton Porter, 27, was arrested in New Orleans for the killing of Ana Moreno, the Dallas Police Department announced. At the intersection of Bruton Road and North Masters Drive in Pleasant Grove, the shooting incident of gunmen in two different cars happened.
The man responsible for the killing of the innocent woman Ana Moreno was a 27-year-old, Charlton Porter. According to FOX 4, the Dallas police arrested Charlton Porter who was expected with a charge of murder. The man was also responsible for a separate murder case last June 25 in New Orleans, Louisiana, on Thursday.

Michelle Rodriguez and Amy Rodriguez. Photo by: (Law and Crime)
The Pain of the Daughters of Ana Moreno
The daughter of Ana Moreno, Amy Rodriguez said, “ We have to live with the fact that she won’t be here anymore.” Rodriguez lost her mother for more than two months, caught in the crossfire shooting of two vehicles.
The other daughter of Ana Moreno, Michelle Rodriguez added that her mother really looking forward to Amy’s prom.
As Ana Moreno’s children move forward after her passing, they remember her as a devoted and nurturing mother, who consistently went the extra mile to bring joy to everyone around her.