September is an important month for certain Supplemental Security Income recipients as the beneficiaries for the Supplemental Security Income will receive two payments in September.

Supplemental Security Income Beneficiaries To Get Second Check in September; Know More!|Yahoo Finance
Two checks will be given to those who qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits.
The first check will be distributed to certain Supplemental Security Income recipients on Friday, September 1, while the second check will be provided to the Supplemental Security Income recipients, on Friday, September 29.
The Supplemental Security Income recipients receiving two checks were confirmed by the Social Security Administration.
Beneficiaries of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) receive two payments in March, June, September, and December due to a peculiarity in the payment schedule. However, no payments are made to the Supplemental Security Income recipients in January, April, July, and October.
The extra payment the beneficiaries of Supplemental Security Income will receive on September can be seen as an early payment for October.
The SSA typically gives out Supplemental Security Income payments on the first day of every month. However, if that day falls on a weekend, they will pay you earlier, on the last business day of the previous month, says
The payment schedule guarantees that individuals relying on Supplemental Security Income will receive their money at the beginning of each month to meet their financial needs.
The second Supplemental Security Income payment is not an additional payment. Instead, it is simply the arrival of the following month’s payment a few days ahead of schedule.
READ MORE|Social Security: You Could Get a Second Check in September — Here’s Why