New research using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) has shown how supermassive black holes in large galaxies affect the distribution of chemicals influenced by active galactic nucleus within their galaxies.

Active Galactic Nucleus And Supermassive Black Holes In The Heart Of The Galaxy: Know More| ScienceAlert
These supermassive black holes in the heart of large galaxies have a significant impact on surrounding galaxies.
It emits bright electromagnetic radiation that can outshine the combined light of all the stars in the galaxy. This feeding process also leads to jets of matter being released at near the speed of light.
As a result, the galactic center, known as the active galactic nucleus, heats gas and dust while pushing away star-forming matter, limiting star births and inhibiting galaxy growth.
However, scientists are still unsure about how active galactic nucleus and supermassive black holes influence the distribution of chemicals in galaxies.
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The researchers used ALMA to study the active galactic nucleus in the galaxy NGC 1068, known as Messier 77 or the Squid Galaxy.
The researchers observed that hydrogen cyanide isotopes were found in the central region of the active galactic nucleus (AGN), while cyanide radicals were present both in the active galactic nucleus’ central region and in jets extending from the supermassive black hole.
The research team discovered that high-energy X-rays from the active galactic nucleus have less impact on chemical distribution than previously theorized.
The abundance of cyanide in the thick ring of dust a.k.a the circumnuclear disk of the galaxy is lower than expected. In addition, the X-ray irradiation from the active galactic nucleus (AGN) has a relatively smaller impact on the molecular abundance in the circumnuclear disk in comparison to mechanical feedback.