To determine the cheapest places to buy a house in California, Insider Monkey used data from the California Association of Realtors. Insider Monkey analyzed the traditional housing affordability data for all counties in California and chose median house price as its basis, as it provides an accurate representation of the typical selling prices of houses in California.

Cheapest Places To Buy A House In California: Check It Out!| iBuyers
Listed below are the top 3 cheapest places to buy a house in California:
- Cheapest Places To Buy A House In California: Glenn County
- Glenn is mostly made up of affordable detached single-family houses, making it a great place to buy a home. The median house price in Glenn as of 2023 is only $349,000, making it one of the cheapest places to buy a house in California.
- Cheapest Places To Buy A House In California: Siskiyou County
- Siskiyou County in California is known for its affordable housing options. Certain areas within the Siskiyou County, like Yreka, Montague, and Hornbrook, offer relatively low-priced houses. As of 2023, the median house price in Siskiyou County is $356,000.
- Cheapest Places To Buy A House In California: Lassen County
- Lassen County is the cheapest place to buy a house in California based on median house prices. As of 2023, the median house price in Lassen is $249,000. Additionally, the cost of living in Lassen is lower than the US average, meaning residents spend less on housing compared to the national average.