If you’re looking for the best quality of life, avoid these neighborhoods in Dallas as they fall behind in these aspects.
Neighborhoods In Dallas That Fall Behind
Neighborhoods in Dallas are very diverse, each catering to different cultures and lifestyles. While neighborhoods in Dallas are consistently ranked as one of the top places to live in the nation, there are some neighborhoods that fall short in terms of quality of life.
One of the neighborhoods in Dallas called Upper West Dallas struggles with their economy as well as low wages and high unemployment. Lower South Dallas is also one of the neighborhoods in Dallas that faces economic challenges.
Other neighborhoods in Dallas that face economic challenges are Boulevard-Park Row South, Crest of Cedar, and Ford of Eagle. Most neighborhoods in Dallas face various economic hurdles that result to many negative outcomes such as high employment rates.
According to a published article by the Southwest Journal, neighborhoods in Dallas as a whole is diverse and promising. Neighborhoods in Dallas also have potential for growth and improvement.
The Best and Worst State To Settle In
In a published article by USA Today, Texas has been ranked as the worst state to live in due to its low scores in categories such as Life, Health & Inclusion. Vermont has also been ranked as the best state to live in due to its high scores in categories such as air quality, accessible childcare, anti-discrimination protections, and easy access to voting.
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