Be careful of these neighborhoods in Washington as they possess a higher crime rate compared to the national average.

Neighborhoods in Washington deemed as dangerous. (Photos: State Department)
Neighborhoods In Washington Where Trend And Crime Rates Clash
Neighborhoods in Washington are a mixture of areas, each with its own unique character. While some neighborhoods in Washington are trendy and desirable, others have higher crime rates and are less appealing.
Based on data and analysis, neighborhoods in Washington have been identified as the least appealing places to live. These neighborhoods in Washington include Brentwood, Deanwood, Anacostia, Stadium-Armory, and South West. Other neighborhoods in Washington on the list are Downtown, Fort Totten-Upper Northeast, Catholic University-Brookland, Capitol Hill, and Columbia Heights.
These neighborhoods in Washington have higher crime rates than the national average. Despite these challenges, efforts are being made to improve safety in all neighborhoods in Washington.
According to a published article by the Southwest Journal, there are also safe neighborhoods in Washington, such as DuPont Circle, Adam’s Morgan, and Logan Circle. Crime rates in these neighborhoods in Washington are relatively low.
Notable Neighborhoods In Washington Which Are Safe For People
In a published article by Redfin, some notable neighborhoods in Washington include Adams Morgan, which is known for its nightlife and cultural attractions; Anacostia, a historic neighborhood with Victorian-style homes; and Capitol Hill, home to government buildings and historic landmarks.
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