Avoid these neighborhoods in Kansas City as they are deemed the worst.

Neigborhood in Kansas City. (Photo: KStar)
Neighborhoods In Kansas City To Be Careful Of
Neighborhoods in Kansas City have different vibes and populations, such as hipster, preppy, college-friendly, and high-crime areas. While the city provides entertainment and job prospects, some neighborhoods in Kansas City are less secure than others.
To pinpoint the most dangerous neighborhoods in Kansas City, a study published by RoadSnacks analyzed 116 neighborhoods. The study found that the top five most dangerous neighborhoods in Kansas City are South Blue Valley, Eastwood Hills West, Blue Valley Industrial, Sheffield, and Marlborough East.
These neighborhoods in Kansas City have higher rates of violent and property crimes, lower median home values, and lower median incomes compared to other parts of the city.
City Of Topeka In Kansas
In a published article by KSNT, the city of Topeka in Kansas may not be a safe place to live. Topeka has a low safety score, ranking as safer than only 3% of other cities in the US.
The city has a high rate of violent and property crimes compared to other cities of similar size. Annually, Topeka sees around 888 violent crimes, giving residents a one in 143 chance of being a victim. Property crime is also high, with a one in 21 chance of becoming a victim.
The city has one of the highest motor vehicle theft rates in the country.
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