Here are the reasons why you should avoid these neighborhoods in Minneapolis.
The Struggling Neighborhoods In Minneapolis
Neighborhoods in Minneapolis have a higher average crime rate compared to neighborhoods with a similar population. Its overall crime rate is 57 per every 1,000 residents, making the neighborhoods in Minneapolis one of the highest in the United States.
Therefore, if you are planning to move, visit, or pass through the neighborhoods in Minneapolis, it is advisable to avoid certain areas. According to a published article by Upgraded Home, one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Minneapolis is Hawthorne, located north of downtown Minneapolis, which has a high crime rate that is 75% higher than the national average.
Midtown Phillips, another one of the unsafe neighborhoods in Minneapolis, also has a significant crime rate as there were 10,252 reported crimes in the said location. Harrison is another one of the neighborhoods in Minneapolis considered dangerous due to 10,120 reported crimes in 2020.
South Minneapolis also makes it to the list of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Minneapolis since there has been a significant increase in violent crimes, including murders. Another one of the unsafe neighborhoods in Minneapolis is East Phillips with a population of 5,151, but with 9,020 reported crimes back in 2020, 3,757 were violent crimes and 5,263 property violations.
Minneapolis 2040 Comprehensive Plan
In a published article by Minnesota Reformer, the Minneapolis 2040 comprehensive plan, passed in 2019, aims to create “Complete Neighborhoods” where residents can access services and amenities nearby.
The current proposal for the land-use section of the zoning code is doubling down on the idea of separating land uses, which has negatively impacted neighborhoods and removed essential shops and services.
The proposed code also has inconsistencies in land use allowances, where certain areas with similar built forms permit businesses while others do not. The new rules should allow all neighborhoods to have the same possibilities as similar places in the city.
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