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Florida’s Infamous ‘Booze Bandit’ Strikes: Caught on Camera Pilfering Vodka and OJ for a DIY Screwdriver Heist


The ‘Booze Bandit,’ a Florida guy, was caught on tape stealing ingredients for a screwdriver drink from an apartment. The Polk County Sheriff’s Office reported a 5:30 a.m. apartment break-in on November 23. Unaware that a secondary door was open, the victim watched in surprise as the robber stole Svedka vodka and Florida’s Natural Orange Juice.


The Unusual Heist

Surveillance footage shows the guy entering the apartment and just departing with the stolen wine and fruity supplies. The victim noted that the culprit seldom accessed the door, which went unnoticed and was unlocked. A closed door stopped the robber’s attempt to break into another apartment across the corridor, so he fled.

Despite the ‘Booze Bandit’s’ bravado, he failed to escape with the stolen goods, only securing $35 worth of stuff. The suspect’s face from the security video is spreading as investigators try to catch him.

The daring thief is still at large, raising fears about repeat acts and alerting locals.

READ ALSO: Booze bandit: Florida man caught on video stealing ‘screwdriver’ ingredients from an apartment

Law Enforcement’s Pursuit

Polk County Sheriff’s Office investigators are aggressively seeking tips to identify and capture the perpetrator behind this unusual theft. Authorities urge anyone with knowledge about the event or the suspect’s whereabouts to come forward. Detective Turner may be reached at 863-577-1600 or [email protected]. The inquiry aims to catch the ‘Booze Bandit’ quickly.

The event has increased inhabitants’ alertness and emphasized the need to secure all entrance points to their houses. Community members should report suspicious activity or people to the police immediately. The neighborhood awaits police updates on the ‘Booze Bandit’ inquiry and if this unusual crime is part of a local pattern.

READ ALSO: Florida porch pirate stole packages, planned to re-gift them for Christmas

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