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United States’ Passing And Signing Of The National Defense Authorization Act 2024 Is Strongly Opposed By China

Passing and signing of the National Defense Authorization Act 2024 is being strongly opposed by the Chinese government. (Photo: Eclypsium)
Passing and signing of the National Defense Authorization Act 2024 is being strongly opposed by the Chinese government. (Photo: Eclypsium)

The Chinese government is opposing the passing and signing of the National Defense Authorization Act 2024 as it will affect their internal affairs with the United States.

The Chinese government states that signing and passing the National Defense Authorization Act 2024 will violate the things they agreed with the United States. (Photo: CGTN)

The Chinese government states that signing and passing the National Defense Authorization Act 2024 will violate the things they agreed with the United States. (Photo: CGTN)

National Defense Authorization Act 2024 Is Opposed By China

China strongly opposes and deplores the United States’ passing and signing of the National Defense Authorization Act 2024, which includes content that negatively addresses China. The Chinese government believes that the National Defense Authorization Act 2024 interferes with their internal affairs.

The National Defense Authorization Act 2024 also supports Taiwan militarily which violates the one-China principle and previous joint communique between China and the U.S. China urges the U.S. to honor its commitment of not supporting Taiwan’s independence, stop manipulating the Taiwan issue, and cease jeopardizing peace in the Taiwan Strait by canceling the National Defense Authorization Act 2024.

Additionally, China believes that the National Defense Authorization Act 2024 portrays them as a threat, suppresses Chinese companies, and restricts normal economic and people-to-people exchanges with the U.S., which is not beneficial to either country.

China calls on the U.S. to cancel the National Defense Authorization Act 2024, abandon a Cold War mentality and ideological bias, and create a conducive environment for cooperation in trade and other areas.

According to a published article by, China requests that the U.S. adhere to the outcomes and understandings of the San Francisco summit and not implement negative China-related content in the National Defense Authorization Act 2024.

If the U.S. proceeds with the National Defense Authorization Act 2024, China is prepared to take strong measures to safeguard its sovereignty, security, and development rights and interests.

A Seminar On Humanitarian Assistance And Disaster Relief

In a published article by the China Military, the Army Command College of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army will host a seminar on humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR) for Latin American and Caribbean countries.

The seminar aims to deepen exchanges and cooperation on disaster management between China and these countries, as well as enhance their capabilities in HADR. Representatives from more than 20 countries, namely Uruguay, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Bolivia, have received invitations.

READ ALSO: FBI Director Christopher Wray Warns That AI May Enhance The Hacking Endeavors Of China

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