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Maine Disqualifies Trump from 2024 Primary Ballot over Insurrectionist Clause

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Maine’s Secretary of State, Shenna Bellows, disqualified former President Donald Trump from the state’s 2024 Republican primary ballot, citing violations of the 14th Amendment’s insurrectionist clause, marking the second state to take such action under constitutional provisions.

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Trump’s Disqualification in Maine

Shenna Bellows‘ decision emerged from three challenges to Trump’s nomination, including two that referenced the 14th Amendment’s insurrectionist clause, a provision barring individuals engaged in insurrection from holding public office.

Citing Trump’s conduct leading up to and on January 6, 2021, Bellows concluded that his actions fueled a false narrative of election fraud, inciting supporters to storm the Capitol, thus violating the sanctity of democracy.

Bellows acknowledged the unprecedented nature of her decision, emphasizing the gravity of a presidential candidate’s engagement in insurrection and its implications for ballot access.

READ ALSO: Special Counsel Seeks Limits On Trump’s Speech In 2024 Election Trial Amid Concerns Of Political Rhetoric And Conspiracy Theories

Legal Response and Campaign Reaction

Trump’s campaign announced intentions to challenge the decision in state court, seeking to halt the effects of Bellows’ ruling until the Superior Court’s decision. A likely escalation of the case to the Supreme Court looms.

The campaign vehemently criticized Bellows’ action as partisan interference, accusing Democratic-led states of infringing upon civil rights and attempting to sideline Trump from the electoral process.

Colorado’s prior ruling similarly disqualifying Trump under the insurrectionist clause underscores a growing legal challenge faced by the former president regarding his eligibility for office.

READ ALSO: Former GOP Heavyweights Sound Alarm: Rejecting Trump’s ‘Absolute Immunity’ Risks Unleashing Presidential Crime Wave

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