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Russian Duma Official Denounces US New Year’s Greeting as Interference in Internal Affairs


The US embassy in Moscow’s New Year’s greeting to the Russian people has sparked controversy, drawing condemnation from Vasily Piskaryov, head of the Duma commission investigating interference in Russia’s internal affairs. Piskaryov rejected the message, claiming it falls under the category of interference he monitors. The greeting, emphasizing a common language and hope for a better year, received criticism as Russian authorities seem to resist people-to-people connections, viewing citizens solely as subjects rather than political entities.

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Denouncement Reflects Official Stance

Vasily Piskaryov’s sharp response aligns with the Russian government’s approach, dismissing the idea of addressing the Russian people directly and rejecting foreign attempts at people-to-people communication. The denouncement underscores the government’s reluctance to recognize citizens as independent political actors.

The Russian rulers’ unwillingness to allow external engagement with their citizens reflects a broader perspective on international relations. The lack of a reciprocal New Year’s message from the Russian embassy in Washington further emphasizes this stance, featuring unrelated stories on its website instead of fostering direct communication.

The incident highlights a potential communication gap, suggesting that Russian diplomats, operating within a confined worldview, struggle to adapt to the dynamics of real-world interactions. The refusal to engage in mutual exchanges, even on celebratory occasions, raises questions about the adaptability of Putin’s diplomatic strategies in the global arena.

Putin’s Diplomats Criticized

Critics argue that the Russian embassy’s failure to send a message to the American people indicates a lack of effective diplomacy. The absence of a reciprocal gesture contrasts with the open communication endorsed by the US embassy, revealing potential challenges in Russia’s diplomatic approach.

Observers suggest that the disconnect between Russia’s diplomatic strategy and global realities may impede constructive engagement. The reluctance to acknowledge the political agency of citizens and engage in international dialogue underscores the limitations of a foreign policy framework driven by internal political considerations.

As diplomatic tensions persist, the incident highlights the need for a nuanced and adaptable approach in international relations, fostering mutual understanding and people-to-people connections beyond the constraints of political boundaries.

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