A Lexington, Kentucky Catholic Church is at the center of controversy after publicly blessing a same-sex couple, citing alignment with Pope Francis’s directives. Historic Saint Paul Catholic Church highlighted the event on Facebook, emphasizing the couple’s 22-year civil marriage. However, Vatican’s Fiducia Supplicans affirms the Church cannot bless same-sex unions, sparking criticism and debate within the Catholic community.

Photo form MSN
Challenging Doctrinal Lines
The church’s Facebook post sparked debate as it claimed adherence to Fiducia Supplicans guidelines. Journalist Michael Matt raised objections, stating the public blessing of a ‘married’ lesbian couple with a rainbow stole-wearing priest implies approval, contrary to Vatican doctrine.
The church defended its actions against critics, asserting they align doctrinally with the declaration. The Dicastery for the released a statement, emphasizing no room for doctrinal distancing and rejecting accusations of heresy or blasphemy.
Catholic philosopher Edward Feser questioned the intended message of Fiducia Supplicans and urged scrutiny of responses to criticisms and abuses of the declaration, highlighting the internal tensions within the Catholic Church.
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Pastoral Perspective and Contrasting Reactions
St. Paul’s Pastor Richard Watson viewed the blessing positively, stating the church’s doors are open to everyone. He expressed a commitment to supporting couples on their journey towards closeness to each other and God.
Bishop William F. Medley of the Diocese of Owensboro clarified the official reaction, stating Fiducia Supplicans does not alter the Church’s teaching on marriage. He emphasized the importance of God’s desire to bless all creation.
Reflecting the diverse opinions within the Catholic Church, the incident raises questions about the interpretation and implementation of Fiducia Supplicans, showcasing the ongoing dialogue on LGBTQ+ issues within the religious community.
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