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Experts Criticize Biden’s China Policy, Warning of Detrimental Effects on Global System

US-China Relation
In a recent assessment by China experts reported by Fox News, the Biden administration's diplomatic strategy towards China has come under intense scrutiny, with experts warning of the detrimental impact on the international system. (Photo: Brookings Institution)
US-China Relation

In a recent assessment by China experts reported by Fox News, the Biden administration’s diplomatic strategy towards China has come under intense scrutiny, with experts warning of the detrimental impact on the international system. (Photo: NY Times)

Biden Administration’s Soft Approach Fails to Yield Gains, Experts Warn

In a recent assessment by China experts reported by Fox News, the Biden administration’s diplomatic strategy towards China has come under intense scrutiny, with experts warning of the detrimental impact on the international system. Critics argue that the policy of seeking cordial relations with China has produced minimal tangible benefits for the U.S., emphasizing the failure to leverage any concessions secured from the Chinese government. As per Gordon Chang, a senior fellow and China expert at the Gatestone Institute, the U.S. has essentially purchased time through appeasement, while neglecting essential defensive preparations for itself and its allies.

Furthermore, the analysis underscores the apparent diminishing capacity of the United States to effectively deter China, signaling a pressing need for a policy overhaul to address the new realities of the global landscape. According to assessments, the Biden administration’s focus on fostering friendly relations with China has not resulted in significant actions to address critical issues, such as the large number of American fatalities stemming from COVID-19 and fentanyl, both of which have origins tied to China.

Moreover, the administration’s approach has been called into question in light of escalating provocations by China, including ongoing territorial infringements and aggressive military maneuvers. While the U.S. has responded by bolstering military cooperation with regional allies and strengthening partnerships with countries such as Australia, Singapore, South Korea, and Japan, critics argue that such actions may not be sufficient to counteract the concerning trends observed in China’s behavior. Despite the rhetoric of competition and responsible management of the U.S.-China relationship, doubts persist regarding the effectiveness of the administration’s strategies in deterring China’s assertive behaviors and fostering global stability.

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Critics Warn of “Strategic Ambiguity’s” Contribution to Global Instability and Erosion of U.S. Influence

In addition to concerns about the administration’s handling of China’s actions, experts have criticized the perceived policy of “strategic ambiguity,” which presents conflicting stances on issues such as Taiwan’s independence. This approach, while marked by continued military support for Taiwan, has been characterized as a source of confusion and instability, ultimately contributing to a breakdown in the international system by emboldening “bad actors” to act with impunity.

In addition, China’s alliances with other adversarial powers, such as North Korea and Russia, and their combined efforts to challenge U.S. influence globally. China’s support for countries like Iran signals a broader strategy to expand influence and pressure the U.S. by exploiting constraints imposed on American actions. Critics warn that without a substantive recalibration of U.S. strategies towards China, the international system could face further erosion due to increasing assertiveness from aligned adversarial powers.

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