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RNC Mulls Early Trump Endorsement as Presumptive 2024 Nominee, Igniting Intraparty Debate

Photo from CNN

In a recent report published by The Washington Times, the Republican National Committee (RNC) is poised to deliberate on a resolution next week that could declare Donald Trump the “presumptive 2024 nominee,” raising eyebrows as only two states have voted and Trump lacks the necessary delegates for nomination. This move, if approved, would consolidate Trump’s influence within the party contrasting with the ongoing bid for the GOP nomination by former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley. Despite the potential resolution, controversy surrounds the preemptive move, with critics deeming it “insulting” to millions of primary voters eagerly participating in the electoral process.

Photo from WLTX-TV

Solidifying Trump’s Grip

The draft of the resolution, obtained by The Associated Press, aims to cement Trump as the “presumptive 2024 nominee” propelling the GOP into full general election mode and welcoming supporters from all factions as integral members of “Team Trump 2024.”

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel has expressed support for the move emphasizing the need for Republican unity behind the eventual nominee, anticipated to be Donald Trump.

Critics including New Jersey Republican National Committeeman Bill Palatucci, dismiss the resolution as “silly” and potentially undermining the engagement of primary voters.

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Debating the Unconventional Move

The resolution’s consideration precedes the RNC’s winter meeting in Las Vegas, where officials will discuss the potential endorsement amid the ongoing competition between Trump and Haley.

While there are no party rules preventing such an early endorsement, the move could offer the Republican Party an early start in strategizing for the general election against Democratic President Joe Biden.

The debate intensifies as Haley, despite recent losses, contends that her enduring candidacy underscores its strength compared to other Trump rivals.

READ ALSO: Trump Prevails In New Hampshire Primary, Biden Victorious In Democratic Race

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