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Democrats Accused of Elder Abuse by Propping Up Biden Despite Cognitive Decline

Democrats Accused of Elder Abuse by Propping Up Biden Despite Cognitive Decline (Photo from NY Post)

Concerns over President Joe Biden’s mental fitness have escalated, New York Post reported, with critics accusing Democrats of elder abuse by enabling his continued leadership despite evidence of cognitive decline. Special counsel Robert Hur’s assessment of Biden as “an elderly man with a poor memory” following a 15-month investigation has ignited debates about his ability to effectively govern the nation.

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Democrats Accused of Elder Abuse by Propping Up Biden Despite Cognitive Decline (Photo from NY Post)

Allegations of Elder Abuse

Critics argue that by downplaying Biden’s cognitive decline and maintaining his presidency, Democrats are perpetuating elder abuse. The decision to keep Biden in office despite concerns about his mental acuity raises questions about his capacity to fulfill the demands of the presidency.

Public statements from Biden’s inner circle and media allies, such as First Lady Jill Biden and MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, attempting to portray his age as an asset, have been met with skepticism. Observations of Biden’s frequent lapses in coherence and misstatements have fueled doubts about his ability to effectively lead.

The controversy surrounding Biden’s cognitive state has implications not only for his legacy but also for the Democratic National Committee (DNC). Critics argue that the DNC’s decision to prioritize identity politics over competence in selecting Biden’s running mate has contributed to the current predicament.

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Impact on Governance and Legacy

People are really worried about Biden’s mind lately. They’re wondering if he can still make the right decisions and lead the country well. Some folks even wonder who’s really running the show behind the scenes. It’s a big deal because if Biden isn’t up to the task, it could mess up a lot of things in government.

And it’s not just about now; people are thinking about how history will remember Biden. If he keeps making mistakes because of his mind, it might overshadow all the good stuff he’s done. People are also mad at the Democratic Party for not handling this situation better. They want them to be honest and open about what’s going on with Biden’s health.

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