A Florida drunk driver was arrested for driving under the influence after he cut in front of a police car and caused a crash.
Florida drunk driver Edward Parsons, 70, was arrested after allegedly driving while under the influence which resulted to a collision with a police cruiser.
Deputy Schiebner from the Pinnellas County Sheriff’s Office was involved in a collision with the Florida drunk driver of Honda Accord.
The incident was captured on the dashboard camera of the police cruiser that collided with the Florida drunk driver’s car. It happened on July 12 at 9:07 p.m. when the Honda Accord of the Florida drunk driver unexpectedly appeared on the road and collided with the patrol car.
According to the police, the Florida drunk driver was allegedly driving drunk and pulled out onto the road without noticing Deputy Schiebner’s approach. Unfortunately, the police did not disclose the speed at which Deputy Schiebner was driving during the incident.
In the collision, Deputy Schiebner and Florida drunk driver Parsons, were both injured but their injuries were not life-threatening.
The police suspected that the Florida drunk driver was impaired at the time of the crash. As a result, the Florida drunk driver was arrested and charged with DUI resulting to damage, failure to obtain a driver’s license, and failure to register a vehicle in Florida.
In relation to the incident with the Florida drunk driver, the police reminded the people in the Sunshine State to plan ahead and avoid driving under the influence of alcohol like using a designated driver or ride-share services or calling a sober friend or family member.