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Search results for "STATES"


An increased working families tax credit will provide with $550 Rebate Check in Michigan households – refund checks in 19 days. A law passed...


In a significant stride toward addressing childhood hunger and supporting communities, the Arby’s Foundation has pledged a substantial $1 million donation to wipe out...


A complicated interaction of economic forces has caused recent Lima income changes. Significant changes benefited middle- and lower-income Americans in the 2020s. Lima Region’s...


President Biden delivered a significant speech to appeal to voters in South Carolina, targeting support and reinvigoration at the state’s Democratic Party dinner. President...


Learn about the essential steps to prepare and file your taxes in 2024. Advice and important Tax Season deadline to ensure a hassle-free tax...


The dramatic capture of fugitive Kaitlin Armstrong, serving a 90-year sentence for the murder of professional cyclist Anna Moriah “Mo” Wilson, unfolded in a...


In 2017, the sensitive personal information of approximately 147 million people resulted in a data breach that led to a class action lawsuit, resulting...


As hopes for a fourth round of general stimulus checks wane, President Biden unveils a targeted financial plan to provide crucial economic relief to...


The Instagram Class Action Settlement 2024 is a turning point in the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act lawsuit. This settlement addresses concerns about collecting...


Within the heart of the Midwest lies a stark reality—several cities in Iowa grapple with rising crime rates, painting a sad picture for residents...