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Search results for "President Biden"


North Dakota’s Republican Governor, Doug Burgum, threw his support behind Donald Trump for president during a campaign event in Indianola according to The Daily...


Internal affairs involving China are at stake as the said country continues to oppose the involvement of countries such as the US and the...


U.S. President Joe Biden revealed that he sent a confidential message to Tehran regarding the Iran-backed Huthi rebels responsible for the Red Sea shipping...


China’s Commerce Minister recently expressed concern about Chinese chips as the US is planning to survey its use. Chinese Chips As A Source Of...


Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, is prepared to appear for a public deposition or hearing if legally valid subpoenas are issued as...


Chinese officials are strongly opposing the interference the U.S. is making in the Taiwan presidential election. An Issue With The Upcoming Taiwan Presidential Election...


President Biden’s Stauch Trade Policies Meet Resistance in Europe and Asia, Hampering Action Against China Milton Ezrati wrote in The Epoch Times that the...


Reasoning Behind Trump’s Bid to Reverse Disqualification Under 14th Amendment’s Section 3 Former President Donald Trump’s legal team petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to...


President Joe Biden issued a stark warning, stating that the United States could be drawn into a direct conflict with Russia if the Kremlin’s...


Former President Trump and President Biden Face Tough Challenge Securing Support in Crucial Counties A new study says that former President Donald Trump and...