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Search results for "politics"


The Pentagon is under scrutiny for keeping Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s four-day ICU hospitalization at Walter Reed Medical Center undisclosed to senior officials...


In a pivotal move, the Supreme Court granted permission on Friday for Idaho to implement its rigorous abortion ban, even during medical emergencies, amidst...


The US embassy in Moscow’s New Year’s greeting to the Russian people has sparked controversy, drawing condemnation from Vasily Piskaryov, head of the Duma...


USDA report shares that Canada, not China, is the foreign country that tops the list of most foreign-owned farmlands in the United States. The...


The recently passed Oklahoma Caring for Caregivers Act may qualify hundreds of Americans for $3,000 tax credits. Oklahoma Law Offers Financial Aid to Caregivers...


Former President Trump Seeks High-Stakes Showdown in Bid to Overturn Ballot Exclusion Former President Donald Trump filed the petition and asked the U.S. Supreme...


Former President Donald Trump has formally requested the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the Colorado state Supreme Court’s ruling that barred him from the...


Former President Trump and President Biden Face Tough Challenge Securing Support in Crucial Counties A new study says that former President Donald Trump and...


Donald Trump filed an appeal against the secretary of state of Maine, arguing that he should not have been allowed to run in the...


Chinese President Xi Jinping also exchanged New Year greetings with the North Korean leader. Chinese President Xi Jinping’s Willingness Chinese President Xi Jinping expressed...