A man charged with killing his own mother has been found dead in his cell while waiting for his trial.

Nathan Carman (Photo: The Daily Beast)
Nathan Carman’s Death
According to authorities last Thursday, a man was found dead in his cell while waiting for his trial. The man was Nathan Carman, 28 years old from Vermont. Carman was said to inherit millions from his mother. Carman’s death was not known immediately and he apparently wrote a letter to his lawyers right before he died. Carman was set to face his trial this coming October.
Nathan committed his crime when he and his mother, Linda Carman, were on a fishing trip near the coast of New England way back in 2016. Prosecutors believe that Linda’s murder was part of Nathan’s elaborate scheme for him to inherit millions of dollars from Linda. He pleaded not guilty to the charges.
According to Doug Losue, Chesire Corrections‘ superintendent, Nathan was the only occupant of his cell when he was found dead by jail guards at 2:30 in the morning in New Hampshire’s county jail, which was in Keene.
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Carman’s Lawyers On His Death
David Sullivan, one of Carman’s lawyers, stated that Martin Minella, his partner, was informed of his death last Thursday morning by the Marshals and the U.S. attorney’s office in Vermont. Sullivan expressed that Carman’s letter was a warning that something imminent was bound to happen.
Minella added that Carman was in “good spirits” when they last spoke. When they last met, Minella said that they were preparing to pick a jury on October 10 and were confident about their case. Minnella added that what happened to Carman was a “tragedy”.
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