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White Florida Women Accused Of Killing A Black Mom Won’t Face Murder Charge, Prosecutor Says

Prosecutors in Florida have decided not to file murder charges against a 58-year-old white woman who admitted to shooting and killing her neighbor, a Black 35-year-old mother of four, by firing a gun through her locked front door as the victim stood on the porch knocking.
White Florida Women Accused Of Killing A Black Mom Won't Face Murder Charge, Prosecutor Says (PHOTO: KWTX)

Prosecutors in Florida have decided not to file murder charges against a 58-year-old white woman who admitted to shooting and killing her neighbor, a Black 35-year-old mother of four, by firing a gun through her locked front door as the victim stood on the porch knocking.

 Prosecutors in Florida have decided not to file murder charges against a 58-year-old white woman who admitted to shooting and killing her neighbor, a Black 35-year-old mother of four, by firing a gun through her locked front door as the victim stood on the porch knocking.

White Florida Women Accused Of Killing A Black Mom Won’t Face Murder Charge, Prosecutor Says (PHOTO: KWTX)

A Black Mom Fatally Shot And Killed By A White Women

A 58-year-old white woman admitted to shooting and killing her 35-year-old black neighbor, a mother of four by firing her a gun through her front door.

According to the statement released that prosecutors from Florida have not yet decided if they will file a murder charge against the white woman. Monday, prosecutors already announced that they formally file a criminal case against Susan Lorincz with the count of murder for attempted firing a gun and fatally shot Ajike Owens which leads to her death.

The decision goes but against the public outcry from the victim’s family black community, they said that the white woman Susan should be filed a murder case for killing.

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White Florida Women Won’t Face Murder Charge For Killing Black Mom

According to Fifth Judicial Circuit State Attorney William Gladson through his analysis that there would possibly a charge for declining to pursue a murder case against the suspect. Owens’s family said that the suspect previously antagonized her and her children calling them the “n-word” countless times. Owens said that she was just protecting herself from the victim, the family is shouting for more justice and hoping that the suspect would pay for killing a mother. Furthermore, the suspect would be convicted and will be in jail for 30 years.

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