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A Notice to Vacate from Landlord made a Woman Angry with Her Ex-boyfriend after not Offering Rental Money, was the Move of the Man Wise Enough?

How To Legally Evict A Tenant (Photo: Sandra Davidson)

A woman is in dilemma due to her notice to vacate from landlord – representation only (Photo: Vecteezy)

After 6 years of relationship, a woman reconnected with her ex-boyfriend telling him about her notice to vacate from landlord and current relationship dilemmas. However, his ex-bf did not offer any assistance for rent and made her angry.

According to a published article from ChipChick, after six years, this 33-year-old man reconnected with his 27-year-old ex-girlfriend. She had gotten in touch with him since she was breaking up with her most recent partner and leaving the rental home they had been sharing.

He assumed they were just catching up and reconnecting because all of their chats were nice and polite.

He asked his ex whether they should meet up after a week or so of talking on the phone. He arranged appointments at a restaurant he was confident she would enjoy once she gave her consent.

When he texted her to ask if it was a date, she replied that it was. He informed her that he was there when he arrived at the restaurant, but she did not comment. He tried contacting her again and called her again, but he received no response.

“I wait in my car and consider the situation. Is she injured? Her battery may be dead. Any justification I might come up with to explain this conduct? I went home after waiting for an hour, he said.

The following morning, she apologized profusely but offered no further justification for her absence.

Then they continued to chat with one another but after asking for an apology from the woman, she always change the subject and opened her romantic problem with his current boyfriend so as her notice to vacate from landlord.

Days came by and they decided to meet again, but this time the man did not receive any confirmation from the woman about them meeting up.

He was ghosted four (4) times already.

More recently, she forwarded him a screenshot of an email of a notice to vacate from landlord she had received.

He expressed regret that this was happening, but he left it at that. She was upset that he didn’t offer to pay her rent after receiving a notice to vacate from landlord.

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AN ILLUSTRATED REPRESENTATION ONLY of man ghosted by her ex-gf (Photo: Men’s Health)

She claimed that if he cared for her, he would have paid the rent and nullify the notice to vacate from landlord.

Thinking that it is something like a battle between heart and mind, he consulted his family and friends. His family told him not to consider her notice to vacate from landlord unless he will gain the trust back 100% and evaluate her intent fully.

However, his co-workers suggested to him that if he wanted to have a relationship back with the woman, he must pay her rent first.

What, in your opinion, ought he to have done in this circumstance? Do you think his decision was wise to neglect his ex-gf’s notice to vacate from landlord?

Do you believe she is telling the truth whenever she says she is getting ready to leave her ex’s house?


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