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No Active Shooter Found in Russell State Building; Police Say, a Bogus Call

No Active Shooter Found in Russell State Building
No Active Shooter Found in Russell State Building. (Photo: Reuters)

After a call claimed there was an active shooter in the immediate area, people in the Russell State Building quickly departed. Police pointed out that there is no active shooter and that this may have been an erroneous alarm.

No Active Shooter in Russell State Building

Police pointed out that there is no active shooter and that this may have been an erroneous alarm. (Photo: Malay Mail)

False Alarm Active Shooter

The three Senators’ office buildings on Constitution Avenue have been cleared by about 200 law enforcement officers. Director claimed that there was insufficient proof that somebody strange had happened to have noticed the vicinity.

Manger told reporters that the Metropolitan Police Department of Washington picked up an anonymous call alleging a shooter and scrambled unsuccessfully to communicate with the primary informant.

Manger added Metropolitan Police sought to hunt down the primary contact repeatedly, yet every single time an alternate location was outlined.

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Confirmed No Active Shooter in Russell State Building

The phone call phoned in one day before former President Donald Trump was scheduled to make an appearance in a federal courthouse located mere feet away at the Capitol.

In a published article released by News, Manger notified the Metropolitan Police Department that at 2:30 p.m., they were given a 9-1-1 call claiming an active shooter in the Hart Senate Office Building. The phone call was passed along to Capitol Police, who arrived in immediately.

Authorities attended to a reported active shooter and verified that no active shooter was located.

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