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Russia and Ukraine Conflict, Majority of Americans Disapprove of Biden’s Handling, Poll Reveals

A recent nationwide poll reveals that most American voters are not in favor of how President Biden is managing the situation involving Russia and Ukraine. There is a significant level of discontent, and a rising inclination toward avoiding any potential involvement of the United States in the conflict. (Photo: pbs)

American Voters Express Disapproval of President Biden’s Handling of Russia and Ukraine Conflict, According to Recent Survey

A recent national survey shows that a majority of American voters disapprove of President Biden’s handling of the Russia and Ukraine conflict, with widespread dissatisfaction and growing sentiment favoring keeping the United States out of potential conflict. (Photo: apnews)

American Voters Disapprove of Funding for Russia and Ukraine Conflict in Bipartisan Survey Findings

According to, a recent Scott Rasmussen national survey has highlighted a widespread sense of discontent among American voters concerning President Joe Biden’s management of the Russia and Ukraine conflict. The survey shows that 64% of respondents rated his performance in handling the Russia and Ukraine situation as either fair or poor, marking the lowest approval rating recorded since polling began in February 2022.

This sentiment extends to a substantial portion of black and Hispanic voters with only 28% viewing his handling of the Russia and Ukraine situation as good or excellent. The survey also reveals that a majority of American voters, by a margin of 44% to 36%, are against the continuation of funding and weapon support from Congress for Ukraine in its conflict with Russia.

Importantly, this opposition to further funding for the Russia and Ukraine conflict is not limited to any particular political group; it spans across the political spectrum. Only 52% of Democrats support ongoing funding, while just 17% of Republicans and 32% of independents are in favor of it.

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Growing Consensus Among American Voters, Prioritizing Non-Involvement in Russia and Ukraine Conflict

Moreover, the survey reflects a growing sentiment among voters that it is more important to keep the United States out of a potential conflict with Russia and Ukraine, with 65% favoring this stance over aiding Ukraine which received support from only 22%. This shift has seen a significant increase since August, with a 19 percentage point rise in those preferring to avoid a broader conflict with Russia and Ukraine.

These opinions cut across party lines, with a substantial majority of Republicans (83%), independents (57%) and Democrats (56%) concurring that it is crucial to keep the U.S. out of a potential Russian conflict with Russia and Ukraine highlighting a shared perspective on this issue among a diverse range of American voters.

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