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Ohio Governor Mike DeWine Vetoes Bill Shielding Minors from ‘Gender-Affirming’ Care

Photo: Blazemedia

Republican Ohio Governor Mike DeWine vetoed the “Saving Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act,” legislation aimed at safeguarding minors from “gender-affirming” care and regulating sports participation, despite receiving significant support from his party.

Photo: Guardian

Bill Overview and Veto Decision

The SAFE Act, which had bipartisan backing and aimed to protect minors, would have restricted gender surgeries and irreversible hormone treatments for minors without parental consent. It also sought to enforce gender-specific sports participation rules in schools.

Governor DeWine, following discussions with healthcare professionals and families of transgender youth, expressed concerns about the legislation infringing on medical decisions and the potential repercussions on the lives of affected children.

Citing instances where medical judgment and parental decisions are challenged, DeWine emphasized the bill’s conflict with established medical expertise, prompting his decision to veto the legislation in its current form.

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Reactions and Political Fallout

Several individuals, including former athletes and political figures, sharply criticized DeWine for his veto, accusing him of capitulation and pandering to medical interests at the expense of children’s well-being and sports fairness.

Statements from prominent personalities, such as de-transitioner Chloe Cole and presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, strongly condemned DeWine’s action, predicting substantial political fallout and labeling it as detrimental to Ohio’s future.

Ohio Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted, who supported the bill, expressed disappointment in DeWine’s decision and reiterated the necessity of legislation preventing invasive medical procedures on minors and ensuring fair sports competition.

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