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US Military

US Military Focuses on Protecting Red Sea Shipping Lanes Amidst Gaza Offensive

Photo from: Foreign Policy in Focus

As Israel intensifies its military operations in Gaza, the United States is taking center stage in the Red Sea with Operation Prosperity Guardian. This military initiative aims to safeguard crucial shipping lanes, particularly against Houthi attacks in Yemen. While the U.S. prioritizes securing global commerce routes, concerns are rising about the implications for ongoing conflicts in the region, such as Israel’s offensive in Gaza.

Photo from: Foreign Policy in Focus

Operation Prosperity Guardian Unveiled

Operation Prosperity Guardian, launched by the United States, leads a multinational coalition to secure the Red Sea and Bab al-Mandab. This region has witnessed attacks on oil tankers by Houthi militants. The operation underscores the U.S. commitment to ensuring the free flow of commerce through vital waterways.

The Red Sea, constituting nearly 15% of all seaborne trade, serves as a critical route for global commerce between Europe and Asia. It is also a major transit route for oil and natural gas, with 8% of liquefied natural gas and 12% of seaborne oil trade passing through. The U.S. military has historically played a pivotal role in safeguarding this strategic waterway.

Of particular concern is the Bab al-Mandab strait, a narrow passage at the southern end of the Red Sea. As a chokepoint, it forces vessels into tight shipping lanes, with an estimated 8.8 million barrels of oil passing through daily. Operation Prosperity Guardian seeks to establish a “persistent presence” in this crucial area to prevent Houthi disruptions.

READ ALSO: US Navy Issues Warning Amid Rising Tensions In Red Sea

Escalation with Houthi Militants

The U.S.-led coalition, including warships from France and Great Britain, has engaged with Houthi militants, resulting in hostilities and the sinking of three Houthi small boats. Operation Prosperity Guardian aims to deter further attacks, putting the onus on the Houthis to cease hostilities. The U.S. commitment to protecting commerce is emphasized amid escalating tensions.

The U.S. administration’s active involvement in securing shipping lanes raises questions about its priorities. Despite the ongoing military campaign in Gaza, the Biden administration opposes a ceasefire, signaling a focus on minimizing the economic impact and maintaining stability in global markets. This stance underscores a perceived prioritization of protecting fossil fuels and economic interests over addressing humanitarian concerns in Gaza.

Operation Prosperity Guardian reflects the United States’ determination to secure critical waterways in the Red Sea amidst regional conflicts. While global commerce remains a priority, concerns arise about the potential repercussions of existing conflicts, especially Israel’s offensive in Gaza. The U.S. administration’s strategic choices highlight a complex balance between safeguarding economic interests and addressing humanitarian crises in the region.

READ ALSO: US Faces Potential Military Confrontation With Houthi Rebels In Red Sea, UN Issues Final Warning

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