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Sotomayor Claims Pulse Shooting Was An Anti-LGBT Hate Crime In Dissent

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor falsely claimed that the Pulse nightclub shooting was a targeted hate crime against the LGBT community in her dissent opinion.
Sotomayor Claims Pulse Shooting Was An Anti-LGBT Hate Crime In Dissent (PHOTO: Fox News)

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor falsely claimed that the Pulse nightclub shooting was a targeted hate crime against the LGBT community in her dissent opinion.

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor falsely claimed that the Pulse nightclub shooting was a targeted hate crime against the LGBT community in her dissent opinion.

Sotomayor Claims Pulse Shooting Was An Anti-LGBT Hate Crime In Dissent (PHOTO: Fox News)

Pulse Shooting Was An Anti-LGBT Hate Crime In Dissent Sotomayor Said

According to Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the major same-sex wedding 2016 mass shooting in Pulse was surely anti-gay.

According to the report, Justice Sonia Sotomayor slammed the Supreme Court for approving and siding with the Colorado web designer. This web designer argued that her rights were being violated if she was forced to make a website for a same-sex couple getting married in America. Sotomayor was very disappointed and sad about the discrimination’s was tearing into her workmate for setting up LGBTQ+ Americans to be “second-class” citizens.

She said that today is one of the saddest days of the American constitutional law and in the lives of the LGBT community. Discrimination must be removed in society especially those people who belong to LGBT family are the one’s who are prone to this.

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Sotomayor Claims Pulse Shooting Was An Anti-LGBT Hate Crime

It should be supported by the Supreme Court Sotomayor wrote a statement in the court’s opinion to take the side. She said that it was the first time in the Supreme Court history to allow discrimination against the LGBTQ community. She added that under federal law, sexual orientation should be protected at all costs. Sotomayor also gives the opinion that the Supreme Court’s decision will lead LGBTQ+ Americans to have unequal treatment without some legal actions.

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