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Often known as the Windy City, Chicago is a vibrant metropolis with a rich cultural tapestry. However, like any major city, it has areas...

Weather News

Miracle in the Storm: Resilient Family Emerges Unscathed A rip-roaring tornado tore through Clarksville, Tennessee, leaving a path of damage in its wake. It...


The University of Idaho said Thursday that the residence where four students were fatally stabbed a year ago will be demolished later this month....


Move in to these neighborhoods in Springfield Massachusetts as they are considered safe for residents. What Neighborhoods In Springfield Massachusetts Are The Safest The...


Investigations are still ongoing regarding the California Highway Patrol officer shooting a pedestrian. California Highway Patrol Officer Goes Under Investigation State authorities are investigating...


Attempted murder is the new charge of a man with an already lengthy criminal record. Attempted Murder A 41-year-old transient with a lengthy criminal...


U.S. Department of Labor’s Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) has recently completed a series of impact inspections at mines across seven states in...


Southern Minnesota man is facing charges of felony endangerment as well as manslaughter. Felony Endangerment And Manslaughter A man from southern Minnesota named Colton...


A tragic incident that unfolded late last night and early Sunday morning, the Phoenix police are currently investigating a harrowing murder-suicide case. Concerns and...


Mother black bear and her two cubs were found shot dead. Dead Mother Black Bear And Two Cubs A man in Colorado has been...