A drunk Mahbub Ali was charged with vehicular manslaughter after the car he was driving jumped off a curb, which led to the death of one pedestrian and 4 others.

Mahbub Ali’s gray Hyundai Sonata (Photo: CBS News)
The Vehicular Rampage of Mahbub Ali
26-year-old Mahbub Ali has been charged with vehicular manslaughter, drunk driving, and assault after slamming his gray Hyundai Sonata into four people while driving at an intersection in Manhattan last Sunday evening.
The drunk driver first knocked a man who was just simply crossing the street. The man was immediately taken to a nearby hospital where he ultimately died from his injuries from the crash, according to the police. Ali then slammed a bicycle-riding 18-year-old. When his car went towards the sidewalk, he also slammed two people before crashing his car into a van parked nearby.
One Witness of the “Carnage”
One witness labeled the entire incident as “carnage” after seeing the damages left by the drunk driver.
All the victims and one female passenger that accompanied Ali in his car were taken to nearby hospitals to treat their injuries from the crash. Fortunately, according to the police, all are now in stable condition.