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Chicago Public Schools Terminate Black Principals, Advocates Seek Apology

Chicago Public Schools
Chicago Public Schools terminated at least 7 Black principals. (Photo: Pexels)

Black principals decry after Chicago Public Schools wrongfully terminated them. Some advocates believe that they were discriminated against and they are seeking an apology and reinstatement. 

Chicago Public Schools

Chicago Public Schools terminated at least 7 Black principals. (Photo: Pexels)

Chicago Public Schools Called Out For Discrimination

Since the Chicago Public Schools fired the Black principals, the state is calling out the Chicago Public Schools for discrimation. According to the Block Club Chicago, the fired Black principals gathered in front of Chicago Public Schools headquarters to address the issue.

Advocates and coalition of lawyers joined them, led by Civil Rights Attorney Benjamin Crump. He is urging Chicago Public Schools to apologize and reinstate the fired Black principals immediately. 

“If it happens once, it’s an incident. It happens twice, it’s a coincidence. But when it happens, three times, four times, five times, six times, seven times it is a pattern and practice of discrimination against Black principals,” Crump said, as quoted by the CNN

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Chicago Public Schools

Photo: Pexels

Advocates Urges Chicago Public Schools to Reinstate the Terminated Black Principals

After Chicago Public Schools terminated at least sevel Black principals, Crump and activists demanded to investigate how Black principals treated.

BET reported that Troy LaRaviere of Chicago Principals’ Association, also demanded an apology and reinstatement from Chicago Public Schools

Meanwhile, as per the report, the Chicago Public Schools issued a statement saying they are investigating the issue and they are ensuring that they will get enough due process. 

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