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Search results for "federal government"


The Florida Senate Transportation Committee has approved a contentious proposal that has stirred debate. The proposal recommends the introduction of yearly registration fees for...


Class action lawsuits were filed due to a recent FBI raid at Beverly Hills. An FBI Raid Is Being Investigated By The 9th Circuit...


Anticipation Builds for Fourth Stimulus Payment 2023: IRS Unveils Eligibility Criteria and Support Initiatives IRS Unveils Key Details for Fourth Stimulus Payment 2023: Eligibility...


George Tucker, a 63-year-old government worker, anticipated resuming student debt payments, owing nearly $50,000 as the federal payment pause ended in October. Biden’s Education...


Unlocking Benefits: SSDI Recipients Potentially Categorically Eligible for SNAP with Additional Perks Financial Relief for SSDI Recipients: Navigating SNAP Eligibility and Categorical Criteria According...


Yanping Chen, an American-Chinese scientist, is requesting the court to hold Catherine Herridge in contempt. Chinese-American Scientist Yanping Chen’s Case A federal judge in...


Stolen money from the COVID-10 relief funds was revealed to have been used to fund the lifestyles of the criminals. Stolen Money By Fraudsters...


Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and completing such a plan is said to start by connecting people and bridging information gaps. Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions...


As the U.S. economy continues to weather the storm of rising inflation, persistently long-term rates, and the resumption of student loan payments, a new...

US Military

Leaders from the Iowa National Guard and Iowa Department of Public Safety have come forward to recount the valiant efforts of their troops and...